Do you ever???


Good morning lovely people,

It’s the end of the week and I’m tired and feeling a little blah. I know that working these two jobs is temporary. And I know that there’s a reason that The Lord gives me the strength to work them and it’s greatly appreciated. I even pray that I feel refreshed in the morning after 2 hours of sleep. And I do feel much better. Thank God!

Driving into work this morning, though, a girl can get cranky very quickly. Do you ever wonder why people race you, just to get to a red light? Ever wonder why people drive in the wrong lane just to whip in front of you at the last minute? Do you ever wish that the person speeding past you gets pulled over by a cop? Do you wonder why people drive really slow in front of you and then when you try to pass them they speed up? Do you ever wish that person that’s speeding every day to get to the parking lot so they’re not late, would just get up earlier? Do you ever think to yourself “Well no wonder your car is all banged up on the side, because you drive like a maniac!” Are you ever leery parking next to said person with the banged up car because you think they’re going to ding your car door? All these questions and more flash through my head as I make my commute to work every morning and, alas, it’s the same ride in every morning. No peaceful scenery like driving past cows or horses in a pasture. Or driving past a lake where the fish are jumping out of the water. Or no woodland creatures out for their morning stroll, hahahaha. Ok, I slipped into a Disney movie, sorry.

Well let me get to work and be productive. Got to make this day count, right?!?!?! Although I’m pretty sure everyday counts. You all have a great and blessed day. Wishing you hot showers and green lights! That always makes my day. What makes your day a little brighter?



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