Tag Archives: diet

On a crappy note…


Well, I had to take off of work today, because I had been fighting a migraine for several days. And as you fellow migraine sufferers know, that when you don’t catch it at the beginning it grows into this monstrous being in itself. So last night at my second job I was nauseous and over-heated. But I pulled through, only to wake up this morning suffering from chest and back pain.

I know, I know, it all sounds bad, but I just figured I’d sleep it off, right? Well, then I get a phone call from my doctor’s office saying that my “routine check-up” blood work shows that I have high cholesterol!! Along with my high blood pressure that makes 2 medications that I’ll be taking.

Now I’m madder than a turtle on the track at the “Indy 500”, lol, (Shout out to my Indy roots). I’ve been exercising and losing weight for the past 6 months, just to get off of the meds. I’ve lost a total of 33 pounds, but I have at least 27 pounds left to go.
But, let me admit the truth, since I’ve been working 2 jobs I’ve been eating way too much fast food. But I know that if I had my blood work done 3 month ago, my cholesterol would not have been as high. So, I’m going back to eating healthy, NO MORE FAST FOOD!!!

I get it rechecked in 2 months, I’ll let you know how it turns out.


Still hanging in there Week 10


Good Morning lovely people,

Oh, I must say, it’s been a long time since I blogged. But, fortunately, I haven’t been off raiding donut shops or binge-eating on pizza and ice cream. I have actually been working out like I’m supposed to and I’m still eating right. My weigh-in for February shows that I’ve lost a total of 14.2 pounds, and yes I’m going to count that 0.2 pounds. So, that’s great. I’m looking at the weight loss as “I remember what I was doing or what year it was when I was that weight”. So I haven’t been this weight in 8-10 months. So, over this year, hopefully I can turn back the hands of time and get back to the weight I was in 2000 when I was 140 and I thought I was fat then, lol. Really at 140 and size 8, I thought I was fat, such a shame, and now I would kill or seriously maim someone to be that size again. I will have to admit that I broke my rule of monthly weigh-ins, and I had been weighing myself every week in February and that backfired on me. One week I lost 3 pounds and then last week I only lost 1.4 pounds, and I had a little meltdown. I was so upset, because I wanted to know so badly what I had done wrong that week. I mean I was flipping out asking myself, “What did I eat that made me not lose as much weight?”, “Did I not workout hard enough?”. Yeah, I was inconsolable, my poor daughter tried to talk me off the ledge (sorry Ess) but I wasn’t having it. I was so frustrated.

Well I got over it soon enough and had to tell myself, that at least I lost weight and didn’t gain any. I had to remember that I’m not on “Biggest Loser”. I do have a job and kids and a life and I can’t workout 8-10 hours a day, so I can’t expect to lose 6-10 pounds a week. So get over it, Valencia. At least I didn’t completely freak out and run to a donut shop or go through a whole bag of Chips Ahoy, lol. I recovered and I’m still eating healthy, I’m still working out, and I didn’t give up. And that folks, is a major accomplishment on my part. So I remain steadfast and diligent about my “Lifestyle Change 2014”.
“Never give up, never surrender.”- Galaxy Quest.

I have also started running again, last week was my first week to use the app on my IPhone, 5K Runner. I’ll try to become a runner, and when I say try, I mean do it grudgingly because I hate distance running. I might have the wrong attitude, but bear with me. I broke my leg a couple of years ago and I didn’t just break it, I shattered it like a chicken bone. I have a plate and 8 screws in my leg and ankle and I was told by my physical therapist that I would never run again, HA! Yes, it took me awhile but I’m running a little on the treadmill. I had attempted to run over the summer outside on pavement but that didn’t go so well. My ankle was swollen for days. But, I can definitely run on a treadmill, granted with my ankle wrapped, but it’s all good. It still hurts most of the time after I run, but I think I can work through the pain. I’m determined to work it out. I would like to do a 5k in April, so we’ll see how this training goes.

I’ve been working on my “Lifestyle Change 2014” for 10 weeks now and here’s a little recap. I have lost 14.2 pounds and my blood pressure is now 117/69. I’m off of all sleeping pills and anti-depressants. I workout 3 times a week. I’m down to one blood pressure med. I eat mostly all fruits and vegetables and I cut out fried foods. I eat a low cholesterol, low sodium, low-fat (keeping the good fat) diet. I read all my food labels and cut out all processed sugars. I cut out all caffeine, no soda at all, and I drink only water and the juice that I make from my juicer, no sugar added. And yes I still have cravings every once in awhile, so I’ll drink a glass of organic soy milk with a little Hershey’s chocolate syrup, that is my one indulgence, but I think one glass once a week is not that bad. I’m not falling off the wagon.

And so it continues, the journey of my life to a better, healthier, happier me.


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 ESV)


